We do not choose next year, we choose tomorrow!

We do not choose next year, we choose tomorrow!

I did not become who I am today by deciding five years ago I would be this person.  I am today the result of the choices I have made every day for the last five years, individually.

I did not choose to lose weight and get fit and then it happened.  I did make that choice, but that choice alone is not enough. 

I chose every day to go to the gym and or exercise. I chose every meal, what to eat and when to eat it, and each of those choices added together became who I am today.

The power of individual choices is simply this when you make one big decision, anything can derail it, one bad choice and the decision is undone, and the commitment is shattered.  This is why most people never achieve their New Year’s Resolutions.  They are huge decisions with no choices of implementation.

But when the goal is broken down daily, then the power is unlocked.  If you make a bad choice, then you simply go on and make the right choice the next time, and next time is not next year, it’s tomorrow, later today, your next meal, etc. 

It simply does not matter what one off day does if you plan and execute every day. 

You will have off days, you will make bad choices in food, and you will skip the gym from time to time.  If you are choosing daily, then you are not giving up, you may be disappointed but it does not impact your overall goal much. 

Just as when you go to the gym for the first time, you eat healthy for one meal, you make one phone call for work, you see no results.  Then for weeks you repeat and you still don’t see results, but you keep choosing the way you decided, knowing it will eventually work. 

Then slowly, results start showing, and then seemingly faster and faster they come.  But it’s not the work at the end that matters so much, it’s the choice you made today, and tomorrow that built that foundation.

Choose to win, and then do it again, a thousand times a day, every day.  And when you don’t, don’t dwell on it, and just do it tomorrow as if today hadn’t happened.

All too often we wait until it’s too late to make a choice, not ever realizing that the very act of putting it off is choosing not to take advantage of it.  Yet then we blame circumstances for our shortcomings.

I teach my children to save money for what they don’t know they want yet.  That way when the opportunity presents itself, you have the ability to act on it.

Get in shape now instead of waiting for your doc to give you dire news about any number of things.  Or on a purely physical level so you can look good come summertime and feel good about yourself. 

All too often we put it off until we have to make excuses to ourselves about why we didn’t do what we should have done earlier.  Then we pretend we are ok with it and even happy with the way we look.  When, in reality, we know deep down that we hate ourselves for it.

Learn to love yourself by choosing yourself first, save your money for you, get in shape for you, don’t wait, tomorrow will be here faster than you know and when it gets here, you don’t want to be left out.

Your story is unique to you, only you can write it.

Whether you want to tell the world how awesome you are or simply make a memory that can be passed down to your kids, it is up to you to start right away.

Tell your story, share your pictures, and do those things that will make memories for you and your family.  Waiting for the “right time” is a terrible idea, all too soon you will realize that time has simply passed you by.

Your kids are now grown and don’t care about the things they used to, they don’t get excited the same way they used to and that time you could have had is gone forever.

Make yourself the best version of yourself, then make as many memories as you can and document everything.  We live in a world where you can literally hand your children and grandchildren an archive of your life and continue to be a part of their lives for generations to come.

But none of this happens if you don’t start now, get yourself in shape, get your house in order, and start making as many memories as you can every single day. 

I look forward to seeing your story!


Keep growing!  Love all of you!


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